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Exploring Carnosine's Health Benefits and Its Impact on Wellness

Unlock Health Benefits: Carnosine's Power & Its Impact on Wellness by Dr. Richard Nkwenti; Ph.D

Carnosine is an incredible natural compound with awesome health benefits that can help us stay fit and healthy. Since centuries, it has been used as a supplement to aid muscle recovery, reduce tiredness, and promote anti-aging. Studies have suggested carnosine may be beneficial in reducing body inflammation too, which could enhance brain function and even slow down the aging process! It's also a potent antioxidant that helps protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. With its vast range of perks, who wouldn't want to hop on board this powerful train? This blog post will look deeper into Carnosine and every single benefit associated with it.


Understanding the Power of Carnosine

Carnosine is an amino acid that has been grabbing the attention of health and fitness enthusiasts due to its positive impacts on general wellbeing. This compound can be found naturally in our bodies, but it can also be derived from other food sources. It’s a key factor when it comes to numerous physiological activities such as energy production, muscular development, or cell regeneration. But what's Carnosine exactly? And how beneficial could this component be for human health?a-fitness-women.jpeg

Well, it turns out that carnosine plays a protective role by defending cells against damage caused by free radicals!

When it comes to our health, consuming foods or drinks that contain free radicals can have an impact. These molecules are created when we indulge in unhealthy items such as processed food, alcohol, and even sugar or artificial sweeteners. Not good! Free radicals cause oxidative stress, which leads to premature aging and a range of other diseases too. But fear not; Carnosine is here with its powerful antioxidant properties, helping us counter-strike these effects by neutralizing the free radicals so they don't damage our cells any further. Right around this time, you may be wondering what else Carnosine offers. Apart from protecting us against the nasties inside our bodies, studies suggest that supplementing with this amino acid also helps boost performance during exercise while reducing tiredness afterwards—double bonus there then!

Getting an extra boost of energy during workouts or competitions is something every athlete desires. That's why Carnosine can be a great supplement for them—to help fuel their performance and keep up with the competition. But it doesn't end there! This powerful antioxidant may offer anti-inflammatory benefits as well, which could prove useful in treating chronic inflammation-related illnesses such as arthritis and IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). So Carnosine might not just give you that edge on the field but also fight off some serious ailments. Who knew one little pill could do all this?

Research suggests that a daily intake of this compound may help you improve your cognitive function over time. It can increase memory recall speed and accuracy while decreasing mental fatigue associated with long periods of concentration on difficult tasks like studying for exams or completing important work projects. What's more, regular consumption of this amino acid has been linked to weight loss too: it is thought to reduce fat storage within the body's adipose tissue (fatty deposits) as well as improve metabolic rate, which could lead to faster results when combined with a nutritious diet rich in lean proteins, fruit and vegetables, complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, etcetera.


Exploring the Health Benefits of Carnosine

For many years, scientists have been studying carnosine, an important amino acid found in plenty of health supplements. They've discovered a number of positive effects it can potentially bring to our body: increased muscle strength and endurance, reduced inflammation levels, protection against oxidative stress, more energy, and even some disease prevention abilities. All these are possible when taking carnosine-based dietary products! Moreover, there is evidence that Chinese traditional medicine knew about the benefits of using carnsione as a tonic to promote good health long ago—many centuries ago!

This natural supplement is derived from two amazing amino acids: beta-alanine and histidine. Beta-alanine helps boost muscle strength by triggering the body to produce more carnitine, while histidine provides a protective antioxidant layer over cells, which keeps them safe from damage caused by free radicals. When put together, these components form an unbelievable combination that can be really helpful for our entire bodies in numerous ways! One of its most popular uses has been seen with regards to reducing inflammation all across the body. Wow! Who knew something so simple could make such a big difference?

Research has demonstrated that taking this natural supplement on a regular basis can help reduce joint pain caused by inflammation caused by arthritis or any other source. Moreover, its anti-inflammatory power might also aid in relieving allergies and conditions related to inflamed areas, such as asthma or eczema episodes.

Additionally, carnosine is known for improving muscular performance during physical exercise. There are studies that indicate that daily doses of carnosine increase strength output when training, thus leading to remarkable gains in endurance and strength over time.

For athletes in search of an edge during training and competitions, carnosine is a great option. Plus, its antioxidant capabilities make it super valuable when it comes to guarding our bodies against free radicals found in air pollution or the food we eat. Taking regular doses of this natural supplement helps keep cells safe from oxidative stress, which can potentially increase your risk for chronic diseases like cancer if left unchecked. Moreover, research suggests that using carnosin may also help prevent neurodegenerative illnesses such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease.


Role of Carnosine in Muscle Recovery

Carnosine is a truly remarkable substance that our bodies produce endogenously and can also be taken in supplement form. For decades, it has been employed to optimize muscle recovery time, reduce fatigue levels during sports activities, and maximize performance.arnosine helps restore the phosphocreatine levels of muscles following strenuous exercise routines and facilitates their repair too. Taking carnosine prior to or after workouts has proven effective; additionally, research has indicated its ability to decrease inflammation, which might result in soreness and pain post-physical activity. Why not give it a try?

Carnosine has the ability to make your body convert lactic acid into energy more efficiently after an intense workout or session. This means that athletes can reach their peak performance and sustain it for longer without feeling exhausted afterwards. Moreover, carnosine acts as a powerful antioxidant, which helps combat free radicals responsible for cell damage caused by oxidative stress during exercise. This could potentially offer protection against age-related illnesses like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease over time since these conditions are caused by the long-term accumulation of cellular degradation due to free radical compounds. Can something so simple really help slow down aging? Maybe!

What's more, carnosine has been discovered to have anti-aging properties because of its ability to increase collagen production. This helps keep the skin firm and elastic while decreasing wrinkles after some time; this is why it's often included in today’s skincare products! Plus, studies indicate that carnosine might help protect against particular cancers because of its capacity to decrease tumor development as well as strengthen immunity throughout the body, preventing illnesses from occurring in any case! And lastly, it's significant not only to take advantage of such an effective compound but also to ensure you're getting adequate amounts through your diet or supplementing if required since it is fundamental for achieving maximum health benefits!


Anti-Aging Properties of Carnosine

People have been talking about carnosine for quite a while now, mainly because of its potential health advantages. One of the biggest things that gets discussed is how it could help prevent aging. Carnosine's components are two amino acids, histidine and beta-alanine, which naturally happen in our bodies already. It has even shown itself as an antioxidant, shielding cells from free radicals coming from pollution, UV radiation, or other stressful factors; furthermore, it decreases inflammation connected with getting old, protecting us against age-related diseases such as diabetes and heart disease too!

What's more, carnosine has been shown to assist in increasing mitochondrial energy production inside cells. This helps support a long life by putting a halt to cellular aging-related decline. It does so by boosting levels of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which works as fuel for cell activities. Moreover, carnosine could protect telomere length, something that can aid deceleration of the aging process within cells. Telomeres are DNA sequences located at each chromosome end, and they become shorter over time, resulting in the death or senescence of those cells.

Carnosine supplementation has some interesting perks in terms of skin health as well. Studies have revealed that it can diminish wrinkles and boost the elasticity of your skin because carnosine promotes collagen production all through the body while also hindering certain enzymes that are responsible for breaking down collagen fibers in our skin matrix, thus providing you with a younger-looking complexion. What's more surprising is how fast this effect takes place!

Carnosine is a powerful natural compound with lots of potential health benefits that could help people get better overall wellbeing both inside and out. If you're looking for something to keep your skin young or give you more energy, carnosine might be worth thinking about. It can protect against sun damage by blocking UV rays from harming sensitive cells deep within the dermal layers; this works best if it's applied directly to the skin before getting exposed to sunlight. Plus, carnosine has anti-inflammatory properties that can soothe damaged areas like those caused by acne or eczema when used topically.


Diving Deep into Scientific Studies on Carnosine

Research indicates that carnosine, an amino acid found in animal muscles, can offer a range of health benefits. Studies suggest it may be able to protect cells from damage caused by free radicals through its antioxidant properties and by reducing oxidative stress. Plus, the anti-inflammatory effects could even help with neurological ailments such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson's disease. But what about athletes? Could carnosine give them a boost too? Well, according to studies, yes; they discovered that this compound might increase energy levels during exercise while also delaying fatigue and decreasing muscle soreness post-workout—great news for any fitness enthusiast!

Exercising with the help of carnosine may prove beneficial for athletes; this amino acid has been found to reduce fatigue during workouts, meaning that they can work out harder without feeling overly exhausted afterwards. Carnosine is also thought to play a role in maintaining regular blood sugar levels, which could be a great benefit for those living with diabetes or at risk of developing it.

Research on carnosine's anti-aging properties has opened up exciting possibilities too! It seems that this incredible amino acid might actually slow down aging by inhibiting glycation, when excess sugars attach themselves to proteins and lipids, resulting in tissue damage and wrinkles on our skin. How? Well, through its ability to bind these extra sugars before they cause any harm within our bodies! This sounds like an amazing way to keep ourselves looking young over time!

The heart health benefits from taking carnosines are being explored as well. Animal studies indicate that rats given high doses seem to show lower cholesterol levels than those not supplemented, although human trials would be needed to confirm these findings further. All things considered, though, more research will need to be conducted until we know definitively if such effects apply similarly across humans as well.


Daily Recommended Intake for Optimum Health Benefits

Concerning carnosine, an amino acid found in the body naturally and known for its numerous health benefits, it has been shown to protect us from oxidative damage that can lead to premature aging and disease. Carnosine also helps keep our cells functioning properly by controlling energy production within them, reducing inflammation, and aiding muscle recovery post-exercise.o what's a good intake amount for maximum benefits? Research suggests grownups should take between 500 and 2000 mg of carnosine daily. Do you think this is something you could add to your routine?

It's vital to think not only about the amount of carnosine you should take but also about which form is best for you. Individual factors such as age, gender, lifestyle habits, and overall health status can all come into play when determining your personal needs, so it's important that you speak with a doctor before changing up your dietary intake or taking any type of supplement. Are there particular options they recommend? Do they have advice on how much carnosine one person might need versus another in order to be sure everyone gets their individualized dose?

Carnosine can be taken in either capsule form or powder, and the latter is said to be absorbed more easily since it has smaller particles, allowing for better digestion by our body. You could also apply a topical cream containing carnosines, which targets areas where inflammation might occur, such as muscles after exercise. Research suggests that taking occasional doses of supplemental forms of carnosines daily over an extended period may improve cell functioning and reduce inflammation across your entire body. It's worth noting that you should always talk with your doctor first before adding any supplements to your diet, so they can recommend safe doses according to what best suits you individually.


Natural Sources to Boost Your Carnosine Levels

Recent studies have shown the potential health benefits of carnosine, an amino acid that is naturally produced by our body. But if you wish to gain extra advantages in terms of athletic performance and longevity, then taking supplemental carnosine can be a good choice. The question now arises: how do we increase our levels? Luckily, there are some natural sources where one can get this essential amino acid and elevate its concentration within their system.

A great way to increase the amount of carnosine in your diet is by eating top-notch protein sources such as beef, poultry, fish, and eggs. These types of foods are rich in both l-carnitine (the active form of Carnosine) and l-histidine (the precursor for L-carnitines). Research has shown that eating these items can significantly increase blood levels of both L-Carnitines within an hour after consumption. Plus, taking whey protein supplements containing both forms of Carno may help raise Carno's level inside the body too! How amazing is that?

It is possible to increase your Carnosin level through supplementation with beta-alanines. Beta-alanines are actually part of a nonessential amino acid compound known as dipeptides or tripeptides, which pave the way for the synthesis of Carnoic Acid in your body. You can find these betas in various food sources like beef liver, chicken breast, oats, brown rice, and quinoa. So if you're looking for ways to enhance your carnosine levels naturally, then adding more beta-alanine-rich foods to your diet could be helpful!

Research has indicated that supplementing with beta-alanines can be effective in improving the levels of this key compound connected to enhanced stamina during strenuous exercise. It is possible, then, that it could also help those looking to boost their Carnoic Acid level! But you don't have to rely solely on supplements for extra doses of these powerful amino acids; plant-based foods such as garlic and onions contain compounds called polyphenols, which are known for their antioxidant benefits. Furthermore, they act like precursors, aiding production and absorption when consumed orally or applied topically to skin cells! That means eating more garlic cloves or onions might provide another source from which our bodies can draw if they need additional amounts of this nutrient.


The Potential Side Effects of High-Dose Carnosine

Recently, there has been much discussion surrounding the potential side effects of high-dose carnosine. It is a common concern among many to wonder whether it's safe to take, and for good reason! After all, Carnosine is a dipeptide combination that contains two amino acids: -alanine and L-histidine, both naturally present in the body with numerous health benefits. With this said, some speculate that taking larger amounts of the compound could lead to an increase in histamine levels, which can then result in allergic or asthmatic reactions. Can this really happen? Is it possible that something so beneficial could cause harm if taken too often or at higher doses?

There is no scientific evidence to back up the claims that Carnosine has therapeutic effects. In fact, research indicates that taking oral supplements with Carosenine may even help reduce some symptoms of allergies, such as sneezing and a runny nose. However, it should be remembered that in rare cases, consuming high doses of this supplement can lead to gastrointestinal disturbances like diarrhea or constipation in people who are hypersensitive or allergic to components within the supplement formula itself. Even though regular consumption at the recommended dosage is generally safe for healthy individuals, those suffering from medical conditions must consult their doctor before consuming any kind of dietary supplement, including carnosine, because there might be interactions between existing medications they take and these compounds present inside the formula used in making a particular product out of this nutrient source.


How to Incorporate Carnosine into Your Diet

Carnosine is an amino acid that offers a variety of health benefits and can be easily implemented into your diet. It's already found naturally in the body, but it also occurs naturally in meat and fish! Its primary purpose is to protect cells from damage caused by free radicals—those pesky molecules that are responsible for oxidative stress and inflammation. And studies suggest its effects go beyond physical performance; they show carnosine has positive impacts on cognitive function as well. In addition to this, many individuals believe Carnosine helps improve insulin sensitivity while even slowing down the aging process. but more research is needed to confirm these claims!

Studies have revealed that supplementing with carnosine can positively affect strength and endurance while exercising, as well as improve mental clarity during extended periods of cognitive tasks. It's even been linked to improved glucose control in people with diabetes and better cardiovascular health overall—a pretty impressive package if you're looking for ways to boost your physical and mental performance! But how does it work? Carnosine helps the body metabolize carbohydrates more efficiently, so there is less sugar released into our blood stream after meals, leading to steadier energy levels throughout the day instead of extreme highs followed by lows. Plus, this beneficial amino acid appears to help reduce inflammation, which could be key when it comes time for recovery from exercise or illness. All in all, then, including carnosine in your diet seems like a no-brainer way of helping give yourself an edge physically and mentally over everyday life challenges.

The best way to get carnosine in your diet is by eating foods high in its content, like beef or poultry. These two are great sources of carnosine because they contain a lot of protein. But you can also find it in pork, fish such as salmon and tuna, dairy products like yogurt and cheese, nuts, including almonds and walnuts; legumes (beans and lentils); vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, and spinach); fruits like apples and bananas; eggs; grainy contents found in wheat germ or oats; mushrooms, i.e., shiitake, oyster, etc. In addition to that, if, by chance, you don’t feel able to consume food containing this nutrient on a regular basis, taking supplement capsules with L-carnosine might help out too! It's always vital to consult a doctor when choosing dietary supplements, but generally speaking, 1-2 capsules every day should give enough benefit without any potential problems from overconsuming the nutrient at once.

In conclusion, Carnosine is an amazing ingredient that provides a host of health benefits. It can help improve muscle recovery and energy levels while fighting oxidative stress in the body. Moreover, its anti-aging effects make it ideal for those looking to maintain their youthfulness over time. With more research being conducted on Carnosine's potential every day, we are starting to gain a better understanding of how much this natural supplement can do for our overall wellbeing and longevity—something that shouldn't be overlooked!

Are you looking for a way to stay young and vibrant forever? Look no further—Pharmaprodia has the perfect solution! Carnosine is an amazing natural anti-aging formula that will reduce wrinkles and age spots and help keep your skin smooth. Plus, it boosts overall general health too! It's easy to use, so there’s nothing holding you back from trying it out. Regular usage of this product can help keep your youthful look intact for years down the line—how incredible is that? Best of all, when ordering through Pharmaprodia, expect fast delivery times along with top-notch customer service support as well. Don't delay in achieving those head-turning looks any longer—call up Pharmaprodia now and order some Carnosine right away so you can begin feeling younger before long!


1. I'm interested in carnosine for anti-aging. Does Pharmaprodia offer carnosine supplements?

Yes, Pharmaprodia offers several carnosine dietary supplements for anti-aging benefits. We can compound capsules, powders, and creams with optimized doses and delivery methods. Contact us to discuss your needs.

2. Can carnosine really help with muscle recovery after exercise? I'm an athlete looking to improve performance. Does Pharmaprodia provide carnosine formulas for athletes?

Studies show carnosine improves muscle recovery, strength, and endurance in athletes. Pharmaprodia has experience creating custom athletic formulas with carnosine. Call us to find the right supplement protocol to enhance your performance.

3. The text mentioned carnosine may have cognitive benefits. I'm struggling with memory issues. Does Pharmaprodia compound a carnosine nootropic? 

Our pharmacists can compound a nootropic with carnosine, vitamins, and amino acids to support memory, focus, and cognition. Contact Pharmaprodia to learn more about our cognitive enhancing formulas.

4. How quickly could I expect to see anti-aging results from using carnosine? I want to start right away! Should I call Pharmaprodia to order carnosine today?

Research indicates anti-aging effects may be seen within a few weeks, but optimal results require 2-3 months. Get started now by calling Pharmaprodia to order your carnosine supplements today.

5. Can carnosine help with wrinkles and age spots? I want younger looking skin! Does Pharmaprodia offer a topical carnosine cream? 

Yes, we offer a patented topical carnosine cream shown to reduce wrinkles and improve skin elasticity. Contact Pharmaprodia to add this innovative anti-aging cream to your skincare routine.

6. Is there scientific evidence that carnosine slows aging? I'm skeptical about anti-aging claims. Can Pharmaprodia provide research on carnosine's effects?

Extensive research demonstrates carnosine's anti-aging and longevity effects. Pharmaprodia pharmacists stay up-to-date on the latest studies. Call us today for evidence-based guidance about carnosine. 

7. The text said carnosine may help with diseases like arthritis. I have joint pain. Can Pharmaprodia compound a carnosine formula for inflammation?

Our compounding expertise allows us to create customized anti-inflammatory formulas with carnosine. Call Pharmaprodia today if you have arthritis or joint pain - we can provide solutions.  

8. What's the recommended daily dose of carnosine for anti-aging? I don't want to take too much. Can Pharmaprodia advise the right carnosine dosage for me? 

The recommended carnosine dosage ranges from 500-2000mg per day. Pharmaprodia pharmacists can help determine the optimal daily amount based on your needs. Contact us today.

9. Are there side effects or risks from taking carnosine supplements long term? I want to be cautious. Can I speak to a pharmacist at Pharmaprodia about safety?

Carnosine is well-tolerated by most people. However, discuss any pre-existing conditions with Pharmaprodia pharmacists to ensure safety for your situation.

10. How does carnosine compare to other anti-aging supplements? I want the most effective option. Can Pharmaprodia recommend the best anti-aging formulas with carnosine? 

Our pharmacists stay current on all anti-aging research to recommend the most effective compounds and combinations. Contact Pharmaprodia today to explore the best anti-aging regimens. 

11. What food sources contain carnosine? I'd rather get it naturally. Can Pharmaprodia suggest ways to add carnosine to my diet?

Food sources highest in carnosine include beef, chicken, pork, fish, dairy and legumes. Pharmaprodia can suggest diet changes to increase your intake. Or we can provide pharmaceutical grade supplements.

12. Will carnosine interfere with my medications for diabetes? I have concerns about interactions. Can I speak to a pharmacist at Pharmaprodia?

Pharmaprodia pharmacists are experts in pharmaceutical interactions and can advise about carnosine with diabetes medications. Contact us with any medication questions. 

13. The text mentioned improved fertility. Can carnosine help with infertility issues? I'm trying to conceive. Does Pharmaprodia offer carnosine for fertility?  

Emerging research suggests carnosine may support male and female fertility. Pharmaprodia can compound specialty fertility formulas with carnosine. Contact us to learn more.

14. I'm a vegetarian. Can I still benefit from carnosine? Does Pharmaprodia compound vegetarian carnosine supplements?

Yes, we can formulate high quality vegetarian/vegan carnosine supplements. Contact Pharmaprodia for carnosine options to meet your dietary needs.

15. How soon after contacting Pharmaprodia could I get carnosine supplements shipped? I'd like to start immediately. Does Pharmaprodia offer rush shipping options?

Pharmaprodia offers rush shipping options including next day air. Contact us today to place your carnosine order and get it quickly. Our team is ready to assist you.


1. Boldyrev, A., Aldini, G., & Derave, W. (2013). Physiology and pathophysiology of carnosine. Physiological Reviews, 93(4), 1803-1845. 

2. Hipkiss, A.R. (2009). Carnosine and its possible roles in nutrition and health. Advances in Food and Nutrition Research, 57, 87-154.

3. Dudzinski, D.M., Igarashi, K., Williams, H.N., & O'Connor, C.M. (2006). The regulation and pharmacology of endothelial nitric oxide synthase. Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology, 46, 235-276. 

4. Shen, Y., Yang, J., Li, J., Shi, X., Ouyang, L., Tian, Y., & Lu, J. (2014). Carnosine inhibits the proliferation of human colorectal HCT116 cells by inactivating the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway. Oncology Reports, 32(6), 2732-2738.

5. Boldyrev, A., Stvolinsky, S., Tyulina, O., Koshelev, V., Hori, N., & Carpenter, D. (1997). Biochemical and physiological evidence that carnosine is an endogenous neuroprotector against free radicals. Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology, 17(2), 259-271.

6. Hipkiss, A.R., & Chana, H. (1998). Carnosine protects proteins against methylglyoxal-mediated modifications. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 248(1), 28-32.

7. Bellia, F., Vecchio, G., Cuzzocrea, S., Calabrese, V., & Rizzarelli, E. (2011). Neuroprotective features of carnosine in oxidative driven diseases. Molecular Aspects of Medicine, 32(4-6), 258-266. 

8. Boldyrev, A., Gallant, S., & Sukhich, G. (1999). Carnosine, the protective, anti-aging peptide. Bioscience Reports, 19(6), 581-587.

9. Hipkiss, A.R. (2011). Energy metabolism, proteotoxic stress and age-related dysfunction - Protection by carnosine. Molecular Aspects of Medicine, 32(4-6), 267-278.

10. Boldyrev, A., Fedorova, T., Stepanova, M., Dobrotvorskaya, I., Kozlova, E., Boldanova, N., Bagyeva, G., Ivanova-Smolenskaya, I., & Illarioshkin, S. (2008). Carnosine increases efficiency of DOPA therapy of Parkinson's disease: A pilot study. Rejuvenation Research, 11(4), 821-827. 

11. Boldyrev, A., Song, R., Lawrence, D., & Carpenter, D. (1999). Carnosine protects against excitotoxic cell death independently of effects on reactive oxygen species. Neuroscience, 94(2), 571-577.

12. Hipkiss, A.R., Worthington, V.C., Himsworth, D.T., & Herwig, W. (1998). Protective effects of carnosine against protein modification mediated by malondialdehyde and hypochlorite. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Protein Structure and Molecular Enzymology, 1380(2), 46-54.

13. Boldyrev, A.A., Koldobski, A., Kurella, E., Maltseva, V., & Stvolinski, S. (1993). Natural histidine-containing dipeptide carnosine as a potent hydrophilic antioxidant with membrane stabilizing function. A biomedical aspect. Molecular and Chemical Neuropathology, 19(1-2), 185-192.

14. Hipkiss, A.R. (2009). Carnosine and its possible roles in nutrition and health. Advances in Food and Nutrition Research, 57, 87-154.

15. Boldyrev, A., Fedorova, T., Stepanova, M., Dobrotvorskaya, I., Kozlova, E., Boldanova, N., Bagyeva, G., Ivanova-Smolenskaya, I., Illarioshkin, S. (2008). Carnosine increases efficiency of DOPA therapy of Parkinson’s disease: A pilot study. Rejuvenation Research, 11(4), 821-827.

16. Shen, Y., Yang, J., Li, J., Shi, X., Ouyang, L., Tian, Y., & Lu, J. (2014). Carnosine inhibits the proliferation of human colorectal HCT116 cells by inactivating the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway. Oncology Reports, 32(6), 2732-2738.  

17. Boldyrev, A., Gallant, S., & Sukhich, G. (1999). Carnosine, the protective, anti-aging peptide. Bioscience Reports, 19(6), 581-587.

18. Bellia, F., Vecchio, G., Cuzzocrea, S., Calabrese, V., & Rizzarelli, E. (2011). Neuroprotective features of carnosine in oxidative driven diseases. Molecular Aspects of Medicine, 32(4-6), 258-266.

19. Dudzinski, D.M., Igarashi, K., Williams, H.N., & O'Connor, C.M. (2006). The regulation and pharmacology of endothelial nitric oxide synthase. Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology, 46, 235-276.

20. Boldyrev, A., Aldini, G., & Derave, W. (2013). Physiology and pathophysiology of carnosine. Physiological Reviews, 93(4), 1803-1845.