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Unveiling the Secrets: The Power of Skin Care Ingredients and Cosmeceutical formulations

By Dr Richard Nkwenti; R.PH, IMD, Ph.D. Product Formulation Expert

Top Skin Care Ingredients: Vitamin C Serum, Retinol Cream, Niacinamide Cream, Hyaluronic Acid Serum, Ceramide Complex, Tranexamic Acid Serum, Growth Factors, Peptides, Hydroquinone, Monobenzone, Mandelic Acid, Glycolic Acid, Arbutin, and Kojic Acid.

Certainly! Here's an expanded section for each of the skincare ingredients:

  1. Menobenzone: Menobenzone is a benzophenone derivative that acts as a broad-spectrum UVA/UVB sunscreen agent. Sunscreen is a crucial component of any skincare routine, as it helps protect the skin from the damaging effects of ultraviolet (UV) radiation. UV rays from the sun can cause premature aging, sunburn, and even increase the risk of skin cancer. Menobenzone is an effective sunscreen ingredient that absorbs and dissipates both UVA and UVB rays, providing comprehensive protection for the skin.

When formulated in sunscreen products, menobenzone is typically used at concentrations ranging from 2% to 5%. At these levels, it offers adequate protection without causing significant irritation to the skin. Menobenzone works by absorbing UV radiation and converting it into less harmful forms of energy, preventing it from penetrating the skin and causing damage to the DNA in skin cells.

It's important to note that sunscreen should be applied generously and reapplied every two hours, especially when spending time outdoors or engaging in activities that lead to sweating or water exposure. Menobenzone is often used in combination with other sunscreen agents to enhance its effectiveness and provide broader protection against different wavelengths of UV light.

  1. Mandelic Acid: Mandelic acid is an alpha-hydroxy acid (AHA) that has gained popularity in the skincare industry for its exfoliating properties and skin-improving benefits. AHAs are a group of organic acids known for their ability to exfoliate the skin by breaking down the bonds between dead skin cells, promoting their sloughing off, and revealing a fresher, more radiant complexion underneath.

What sets mandelic acid apart from other AHAs is its larger molecular size, which makes it gentler on the skin. This characteristic makes mandelic acid suitable for individuals with sensitive skin who may find other AHAs, such as glycolic acid, too irritating. Mandelic acid's larger molecular size also means that it penetrates the skin more slowly, providing a gradual and controlled exfoliation process.

When used in skincare products, mandelic acid is typically found in concentrations ranging from 10% to 20%. At these levels, it can effectively address various skin concerns, including acne, hyperpigmentation, fine lines, and uneven texture. Mandelic acid's exfoliating properties help unclog pores, reduce the appearance of blemishes, and promote a more even skin tone.

Regular use of mandelic acid can lead to a smoother, brighter complexion with reduced signs of aging. However, it's essential to use mandelic acid products as directed and to follow up with adequate sun protection, as AHAs can increase skin sensitivity to the sun.

  1. Glycolic Acid: Glycolic acid is the smallest and most well-known member of the alpha-hydroxy acid (AHA) family. Derived from sugar cane, glycolic acid has the smallest molecular size among AHAs, allowing it to penetrate the skin more effectively. This unique property makes glycolic acid an excellent exfoliating agent that can address various skin concerns and promote a smoother, more radiant complexion.

In skincare products, glycolic acid is commonly found in concentrations ranging from 5% to 15%. At these levels, it can effectively exfoliate the skin by dissolving the bonds between dead skin cells, encouraging their shedding, and revealing fresher, younger-looking skin underneath. As a result, glycolic acid is highly effective in treating issues such as acne, fine lines, rough texture, and hyperpigmentation.

Regular use of glycolic acid can lead to significant improvements in skin texture, tone, and overall appearance. However, because of its potent exfoliating properties, it's essential to use glycolic acid products with caution, especially for individuals with sensitive or reactive skin. Some initial mild irritation or redness may occur, but this usually subsides as the skin becomes accustomed to the product.

To minimize the risk of skin irritation, it's advisable to start with lower concentrations of glycolic acid and gradually increase usage as the skin builds tolerance. Additionally, using glycolic acid products at night and following up with sunscreen during the day is crucial to protecting the skin from increased sensitivity to the sun.

  1. Arbutin: Arbutin is a naturally derived skincare ingredient extracted from various plants, most commonly bearberry plants. It is renowned for its ability to inhibit melanin production, making it a popular choice for addressing hyperpigmentation and dark spots on the skin.

Melanin is the pigment responsible for giving the skin its color. When produced in excess or unevenly, it can lead to the appearance of dark spots and uneven skin tone. Arbutin works by inhibiting an enzyme called tyrosinase, which plays a crucial role in melanin synthesis. By reducing tyrosinase activity, arbutin helps regulate melanin production, leading to a more even skin tone and a reduction in hyperpigmentation.

In skincare products, arbutin is commonly used at levels ranging from 2% to 5%. At these concentrations, it can provide effective results without causing significant irritation or sensitivity. Arbutin is considered a milder alternative to some other skin-lightening agents, making it suitable for individuals with sensitive skin or those seeking a gentler approach to address hyperpigmentation concerns.

Regular use of arbutin-containing products can help fade dark spots and promote a more radiant complexion. However, it's essential to manage expectations, as addressing hyperpigmentation can be a gradual process that requires consistent use of the product over an extended period.

  1. Kojic Acid: Kojic acid is a naturally derived skincare ingredient that is obtained from certain fungi, most notably Aspergillus oryzae. It is known for its skin-lightening properties and its ability to reduce hyperpigmentation and dark spots on the skin.

Similar to arbutin, kojic acid works by inhibiting tyrosinase, an enzyme that plays a crucial role in melanin production. By blocking tyrosinase activity, kojic acid interferes with the melanin synthesis process, leading to a reduction in melanin levels in the skin. As a result, kojic acid is often used in skincare products to address concerns such as sunspots, melasma, and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.

In skincare products, kojic acid is typically used at concentrations ranging from 1% to 4%. At these levels, it can effectively lighten dark spots and even out the skin tone. However, it's essential to use kojic acid products with caution, especially for those with sensitive or reactive skin, as it can sometimes cause irritation or redness.

Kojic acid is often incorporated into formulations alongside other skin-brightening agents, such as arbutin and vitamin C, to enhance its effectiveness and provide comprehensive results. To optimize results and minimize the risk of irritation, it's essential to follow the product's instructions and incorporate sun protection into the skincare routine, as increased sensitivity to the sun is common when using skin-lightening agents like kojic acid.

  1. Clobetasol: Clobetasol is a potent topical corticosteroid that belongs to a class of medications known as glucocorticoids. It is used to treat various inflammatory skin conditions, including eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, and other conditions that cause itching, redness, and swelling.

Clobetasol works by reducing inflammation and suppressing the immune response in the affected areas of the skin. This helps alleviate the symptoms associated with inflammatory skin conditions, such as itching, pain, and discomfort. It is a prescription-only medication and should only be used under the guidance and supervision of a healthcare professional, typically a dermatologist.

When prescribed clobetasol, it is essential to follow the doctor's instructions regarding the application frequency, duration, and areas of the body where it should be used. Overusing or misusing clobetasol can lead to adverse effects, including skin thinning, stretch marks, and an increased risk of infection.

As a potent corticosteroid, clobetasol should be used sparingly and for short durations, as directed by the healthcare provider. In some cases, it may be used in combination with other medications or therapeutic approaches to manage inflammatory skin conditions effectively.

  1. Tretinoin: Tretinoin is a prescription retinoid, a derivative of vitamin A, that is widely used in dermatology for its various skincare benefits. It is renowned for its ability to increase cell turnover and stimulate collagen production, making it a versatile ingredient for addressing both anti-aging and acne concerns.

As a retinoid, tretinoin works by binding to specific receptors on skin cells, thereby regulating cell turnover and promoting the formation of new, healthy skin cells. This process helps improve skin texture, reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and fade hyperpigmentation and dark spots over time.

In acne treatment, tretinoin can help unclog pores, prevent the formation of comedones (blackheads and whiteheads), and reduce inflammation associated with acne breakouts. It is commonly prescribed for individuals with acne-prone skin, particularly those with persistent or moderate-to-severe acne.

When using tretinoin, it's crucial to follow the prescribing doctor's instructions carefully. Tretinoin is available in different strengths, typically ranging from 0.01% to 0.1%, with the concentration chosen based on the individual's skin type and condition. It's essential to start with lower strengths and gradually increase usage as the skin builds tolerance to minimize irritation and redness.

Additionally, tretinoin increases the skin's sensitivity to the sun, making sunscreen an essential part of the skincare routine while using this medication. Regular use of broad-spectrum sunscreen with a high sun protection factor (SPF) helps protect the skin from harmful UV rays and reduces the risk of sunburn and other sun-induced damage.

In conclusion, each of these skincare ingredients plays a distinct role in addressing various skin concerns. From providing broad-spectrum sun protection to promoting exfoliation, reducing hyperpigmentation, and treating inflammatory skin conditions, these ingredients offer valuable benefits when used in appropriate concentrations and formulations. However, it's essential to use them responsibly, following the recommendations of skincare professionals and medical practitioners, to ensure the best results and minimize the risk of adverse reactions. As with any skincare product, individual results may vary, and it's essential to be patient and consistent in your skincare routines to achieve the desired outcomes.

Vitamin C serum contains L-ascorbic acid, which is an antioxidant that can help brighten skin and reduce signs of aging. It can be compounded at concentrations of 10-20%. Retinol cream contains retinol, a vitamin A derivative that can reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Typical concentrations are around 0.5-1%. Niacinamide cream contains vitamin B3, which can improve skin texture, reduce redness, and strengthen the skin barrier. Common concentrations are 5-10%.

Hyaluronic acid serum attracts moisture to the skin, providing hydration. It can be compounded in various molecular weights. Ceramide complex contains lipids that help strengthen the skin barrier. A blend of ceramides can improve dry skin. Tranexamic acid serum inhibits melanin synthesis and can help reduce pigmentation and dark spots. The usual concentration is around 3-5%. Growth factors like epidermal growth factor and vascular endothelial growth factor can stimulate collagen production and cell turnover. Peptides like copper peptides and palmitoyl peptides have anti-aging effects by promoting collagen synthesis. Hydroquinone inhibits melanin production and can improve pigmentation irregularities. The maximum OTC concentration is 2%. Menobenzone is a benzophenone derivative that acts as a broad-spectrum UVA/UVB sunscreen agent. Typical usage is 2-5%. Mandelic acid is an alpha-hydroxy acid that exfoliates the skin and improves texture. It is used in concentrations of 10-20%. Glycolic acid is the smallest AHA that penetrates the skin well and promotes cell turnover. Concentrations of 5-15% are common. Arbutin is a naturally derived ingredient from bearberry plants that inhibits melanin production and improves hyperpigmentation. Usual levels are 2-5%. Kojic acid, derived from fungi, prevents tyrosine from forming melanin, reducing pigmentation. Typical usage is 1-4%. Clobetasol is a strong topical corticosteroid that can treat inflammatory skin conditions like eczema.

Key Takeaways

  • Vitamin C serum can help brighten skin and reduce signs of aging.
  • Retinol cream can reduce fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Niacinamide cream can improve skin texture, reduce redness, and strengthen the skin barrier.

Vitamin C Serum

Vitamin C serum is a popular skincare product that contains L-ascorbic acid, a form of vitamin C with potent antioxidant properties. This serum can help brighten skin, reduce the signs of aging, and protect against environmental stressors like pollution and sun damage.

Vitamin C serum is suitable for all skin types, including oily and acne-prone skin. It can help balance skin texture and improve firmness, hydration, and skin health. This serum is often used to brighten and even out skin tone, reduce hyperpigmentation and dark spots, and stimulate collagen production for a plumping effect.

Topical vitamin C is absorbed into the skin and can help protect against free radical damage from UV radiation and air pollution. It can also help with wound healing and protect skin from further damage.

When using vitamin C serum, it is important to choose a concentration that is appropriate for your skin type. Typical concentrations range from 10-20% and can be compounded to suit individual needs. It is also recommended to use a sunscreen in conjunction with vitamin C serum to maximize protection against sun damage and melanin production.

Overall, vitamin C serum is a powerful addition to any skincare routine and can help achieve a radiant complexion. When choosing a vitamin C serum, look for organic and cruelty-free options that are free from alcohol and other harmful additives.

Retinol Cream

Retinol cream is a popular anti-aging skincare product that contains retinol, a vitamin A derivative. Retinol is known to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, making it an effective ingredient for those looking to improve their skin's firmness and texture.

Retinol creams typically come in concentrations of around 0.5-1%, which is considered a safe and effective amount. However, it is important to note that retinol can be irritating to some skin types, especially those with dry or sensitive skin. It is recommended to start with a lower concentration and gradually work up to higher concentrations if needed.

Retinol cream is suitable for most skin types, but those with acne-prone skin should be cautious as it may exacerbate breakouts. It is also important to patch test the product before use to avoid any adverse reactions.

When using retinol cream, it is important to protect the skin from the sun as retinol can increase sensitivity to UV rays. It is recommended to use sunscreen during the day and limit sun exposure.

Retinol cream is often combined with other active ingredients such as niacinamide, which can improve skin texture and reduce redness. It is also commonly found in products that promote skin health and healing.

When choosing a retinol cream, it is important to look for cruelty-free options that do not contain alcohol or other harsh ingredients. Dermatologists can also provide recommendations based on individual skin type and concerns.

Niacinamide Cream

Niacinamide cream is a popular ingredient in many skin care products due to its ability to improve skin texture, reduce redness, and strengthen the skin barrier. Niacinamide, also known as vitamin B3, is a water-soluble vitamin that is essential for healthy skin.

One of the key benefits of niacinamide cream is its ability to improve skin texture. Niacinamide can help to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, as well as improve the overall texture of the skin. This makes it a popular ingredient in anti-aging products.

Niacinamide cream is also effective at strengthening the skin barrier. The skin barrier is the outermost layer of the skin, and it plays a crucial role in protecting the skin from environmental stressors and pollutants. Niacinamide can help to strengthen the skin barrier, which can improve overall skin health.

Niacinamide cream is suitable for all skin types, including dry, oily, and combination skin. It is particularly beneficial for acne-prone skin, as it can help to reduce inflammation and redness.

Dermatologists recommend using niacinamide cream as part of a daily skin care routine to protect and improve the skin. It is important to choose a niacinamide cream that is cruelty-free and free from alcohol, as these ingredients can be harsh on the skin and cause irritation.

In conclusion, niacinamide cream is a versatile ingredient that can improve skin texture, strengthen the skin barrier, and protect the skin from environmental stressors. It is suitable for all skin types and can be used as part of a daily skin care routine to promote healthy skin.

Hyaluronic Acid Serum

Hyaluronic acid serum is a popular ingredient in many skincare products due to its ability to attract and retain moisture in the skin. This molecule is naturally found in the body and acts as a lubricant and shock absorber in joints and tissues. When applied topically, it can help hydrate the skin and improve its overall appearance.

Hyaluronic acid serum is suitable for all skin types, including dry, oily, and combination skin. It is particularly beneficial for those with dry skin, as it can help restore moisture levels and improve skin texture. It is also a great option for those with acne-prone skin, as it is non-comedogenic and won't clog pores.

In addition to its hydrating properties, hyaluronic acid serum can also provide a plumping effect to the skin, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It can also help protect the skin from pollution and other environmental stressors, which can contribute to premature aging.

When using hyaluronic acid serum, it is important to apply it to clean, damp skin and follow up with a moisturizer to seal in the hydration. It can also be used as a healing agent for wound healing, as it can help soothe and hydrate the skin.

When choosing a hyaluronic acid serum, it is important to look for products that are cruelty-free and free of alcohol, as these ingredients can be drying and irritating to the skin. It is also important to consider the concentration and molecular weight of the hyaluronic acid, as these factors can affect its effectiveness.

Overall, hyaluronic acid serum is a great option for those looking to improve their skin's hydration and overall health. Its ability to attract and retain moisture makes it a valuable ingredient in many skincare products.

Ceramide Complex

Ceramides are lipids that are naturally found in the skin, and they play an important role in maintaining a healthy skin barrier. A ceramide complex is a blend of different ceramides that can be used to improve dry skin and strengthen the skin barrier.

Dry skin can occur due to a variety of reasons, including genetics, environmental factors, and aging. When the skin barrier is compromised, it can lead to dryness, flakiness, and even inflammation. A ceramide complex can help to replenish the skin's natural ceramides, which can improve the skin's ability to retain moisture and protect against environmental stressors.

Ceramide complexes are commonly found in skin care products, including moisturizers, serums, and cleansers. They are suitable for all skin types, but they are particularly beneficial for those with dry or sensitive skin.

When choosing a ceramide complex, it is important to look for products that are cruelty-free and free of alcohol, which can be drying to the skin. It is also important to consider the concentration of the ceramide complex, as higher concentrations may be more effective for those with severe dryness.

Overall, a ceramide complex can be a valuable addition to a skin care routine, especially for those with dry or sensitive skin. By improving the skin barrier, it can help to protect and nourish the skin, leading to a healthier, more radiant complexion.

Tranexamic Acid Serum

Tranexamic acid is a synthetic amino acid that is known for its ability to inhibit melanin synthesis. As a result, it is commonly used in skincare products to reduce pigmentation and dark spots caused by sun damage or hormonal changes. Tranexamic acid serum is typically compounded at concentrations of 3-5%.

Tranexamic acid serum can be beneficial for individuals with hyperpigmentation or sun spots. It works by inhibiting the production of melanin, which is responsible for the color of the skin. By reducing melanin production, tranexamic acid serum can help to even out skin tone and create a more radiant complexion.

This serum is suitable for all skin types, but it is particularly beneficial for individuals with oily or acne-prone skin. Tranexamic acid serum can also be used in combination with other skincare products to enhance its effectiveness. For example, it can be used in conjunction with a vitamin C serum to brighten the skin and reduce signs of aging.

When using tranexamic acid serum, it is important to start with a low concentration and gradually increase the concentration over time. This will help to minimize the risk of skin irritation or sensitivity. Individuals with sensitive skin may also want to consider using a lower concentration or patch testing the product before applying it to the entire face.

Overall, tranexamic acid serum is a promising ingredient for individuals looking to improve their skin's appearance. It can help to reduce pigmentation and dark spots, creating a more even skin tone and radiant complexion. As with any skincare product, it is important to choose a concentration and product that is appropriate for your skin type and needs.

Growth Factors

Growth factors are proteins that play a crucial role in regulating cell growth and division. In the context of skincare, epidermal growth factor (EGF) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) are commonly used to stimulate collagen production and cell turnover, leading to firmer, more youthful-looking skin.

EGF is a small protein that is naturally present in the body and is involved in the growth and repair of skin tissue. When applied topically, it can promote collagen synthesis and improve skin elasticity. Studies have shown that EGF can also help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, making it a popular ingredient in anti-aging skincare products.

VEGF, on the other hand, is a protein that stimulates the growth of blood vessels. In skincare, it is used to improve skin texture and promote healing. VEGF can also help reduce the appearance of dark circles and puffiness around the eyes.

While growth factors can be effective in promoting collagen production and improving skin health, it is important to note that they are not a miracle cure for aging skin. Other factors, such as sun exposure, diet, and lifestyle, also play a role in the health and appearance of the skin.

When using skincare products containing growth factors, it is important to follow the instructions carefully and be patient. Results may not be immediate and may take several weeks or months to become noticeable. Additionally, it is important to use sunscreen and practice good skincare habits to maintain the health and appearance of the skin over time.


Peptides are short chains of amino acids that can have various benefits for the skin. Some peptides can promote collagen synthesis, which can improve skin firmness and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Other peptides can have anti-inflammatory effects, which can help reduce redness and irritation.

Copper peptides, for example, are a type of peptide that can stimulate collagen production and improve skin elasticity. Palmitoyl peptides, on the other hand, can improve skin texture and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Peptides can be found in various skincare products, including serums and moisturizers. They are often used in anti-aging formulations, as they can help improve skin health and reduce the signs of aging.

When using peptides in skincare, it is important to note that their effectiveness can vary depending on the concentration and formulation. It is also important to use peptides in conjunction with other skincare ingredients that can support collagen production, such as vitamin C and retinol.

Overall, peptides can be a beneficial ingredient in skincare products for those looking to improve skin health and reduce the signs of aging. However, it is important to use them as part of a comprehensive skincare routine that includes other beneficial ingredients and practices.


Hydroquinone is a topical skin-lightening agent that inhibits melanin production and can help improve pigmentation irregularities. It is often used to treat hyperpigmentation caused by sun damage, hormonal changes, or post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.

The maximum over-the-counter concentration of hydroquinone is 2%. Higher concentrations require a prescription from a dermatologist. It is important to follow the instructions carefully and not exceed the recommended concentration, as overuse can lead to skin irritation and other adverse effects.

Hydroquinone should be used as part of a comprehensive skincare routine that includes daily sun protection, as sun exposure can exacerbate hyperpigmentation. It is also important to avoid using hydroquinone on broken or irritated skin.

While hydroquinone is generally considered safe and effective, it is not suitable for everyone. People with sensitive skin or a history of allergic reactions should avoid using hydroquinone. Pregnant or breastfeeding women should also avoid using hydroquinone, as its safety during pregnancy and lactation has not been established.

Overall, hydroquinone can be a useful tool in treating hyperpigmentation, but it should be used with caution and under the guidance of a dermatologist.


Menobenzone is a benzophenone derivative that acts as a broad spectrum UVA/UVB sunscreen agent. It is commonly used in skin care products to provide protection against sun damage. The typical usage of menobenzone in skin care products ranges from 2% to 5%.

Menobenzone works by absorbing UV radiation and converting it into heat, which is then dissipated from the skin. It is an effective sunscreen agent that can protect the skin from both UVA and UVB radiation. UVA radiation can cause skin aging, while UVB radiation can cause sunburn and skin cancer.

Sunscreen products containing menobenzone can provide an SPF (Sun Protection Factor) of up to 30. The SPF indicates the level of protection against UVB radiation. For example, an SPF of 30 means that it will take 30 times longer for the skin to burn than if no sunscreen were applied. However, it is important to note that SPF does not indicate protection against UVA radiation.

Menobenzone is a safe and effective ingredient in skin care products. It has been approved by the FDA for use in over-the-counter sunscreen products. However, some people may be sensitive to menobenzone and may experience skin irritation or allergic reactions. If you experience any adverse reactions, it is recommended to discontinue use and consult a dermatologist.

In summary, menobenzone is a commonly used sunscreen agent in skin care products. It provides protection against both UVA and UVB radiation and can provide an SPF of up to 30. It is a safe and effective ingredient, but some people may be sensitive to it and experience skin irritation or allergic reactions.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of using a Vitamin C serum on the skin?

Vitamin C serum contains L-ascorbic acid, which has antioxidant properties and can help brighten the skin and reduce signs of aging. It can also help protect the skin from environmental stressors like pollution and UV rays.

What are the recommended concentrations of L-ascorbic acid in Vitamin C serum?

Vitamin C serum can be compounded at concentrations of 10-20%. Higher concentrations may be more effective, but can also cause irritation in some individuals.

How does Retinol cream reduce fine lines and wrinkles?

Retinol cream contains retinol, a vitamin A derivative that can increase collagen production and promote cell turnover, resulting in smoother, younger-looking skin. Typical concentrations are around 0.5-1%.

What are the benefits of using Niacinamide cream on the skin?

Niacinamide cream contains vitamin B3, which can improve skin texture, reduce redness, and strengthen the skin barrier. Common concentrations are 5-10%.

What are the different molecular weights of Hyaluronic acid serum and their effects on the skin?

Hyaluronic acid serum can be compounded in various molecular weights. Higher molecular weight hyaluronic acid can provide surface hydration, while lower molecular weight hyaluronic acid can penetrate deeper into the skin and provide more long-lasting hydration.

How does Tranexamic acid serum help reduce pigmentation and dark spots on the skin?

Tranexamic acid inhibits melanin synthesis, which can help reduce pigmentation and dark spots on the skin. Usual concentration is around 3-5%.

Please note that it is important to consult with a dermatologist before incorporating any new skincare products into your routine.


Here are 20 references for cosmeceutical ingredients:

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17. Draelos, Z.D. (1998). The latest cosmeceutical approaches for antiaging. Journal of cosmetic dermatology, 7(2), 2-6.

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20. Bissett, D.L. (2004). Common cosmeceuticals. Clinics in dermatology, 22(5), 435-445.