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Assessing Hormone Metabolism: Five Profiles for Comprehensive Results

Richard Nkwenti R.Ph; MSHS Integrative Medicine; Ph.D Integrative Medicine

Assessing Hormone Metabolism: Five Profiles for Comprehensive Results

Five hormone metabolite profiles offer a broad range of choices for assessing how patients are metabolizing various hormones. These profiles include a wide array of estrogen, progesterone, and androgen metabolites, glucocorticoid metabolites, diurnal free cortisol, and diurnal free cortisone, diurnal 6-sulfatoxymelatonin (MT6s), and the xenoestrogen Bisphenol A (BPA).

The estrogen elite profile is useful for anyone with a personal or family history of estrogen-dependent cancer, patients with symptoms of estrogen/progesterone imbalance, men with prostate cancer risk, or patients who want to assess their exposure to BPA. The adrenal profile provides a picture of adrenal hormone metabolism and is useful for patients with adrenal dysfunction or stress. The advanced profile offers a comprehensive assessment for patients at risk of breast cancer, patients with symptoms of estrogen/progesterone imbalance, men with prostate problems, and patients who want to assess exposure to BPA, among others.

These hormone metabolite profiles are particularly useful for monitoring hormone therapy patients using patches, pellets, or injectables. They can also provide valuable information for patients struggling with weight or insulin resistance, who have signs of adrenal dysfunction, or who have sleep problems affecting health. Overall, these profiles offer a comprehensive and personalized approach to assessing hormone metabolism and can provide valuable insights into a patient's overall health.

Understanding Hormone Metabolite Profiles

Hormone metabolite profiles are useful in assessing how patients are metabolizing various hormones, including estrogen, progesterone, and androgen. These profiles can be used to monitor hormone therapy patients using patches, pellets, or injectables. There are several hormone metabolite profiles available, each with a different focus and set of metabolites.

The Estrogen Elite Profile is a comprehensive assessment that includes a wide array of estrogen, progesterone, and androgen metabolites, as well as the xenoestrogen Bisphenol A (BPA). This profile is useful for anyone with a personal or family history of estrogen-dependent cancer, patients with symptoms of estrogen/progesterone imbalance, men with prostate cancer risk, or patients who want to assess their exposure to BPA.

The Adrenal Profile provides a picture of adrenal hormone metabolism and is useful for patients with adrenal dysfunction or stress. It can also be used as a screening test for Addison’s or Cushing’s disease. This profile includes glucocorticoid metabolites, diurnal free cortisol, and diurnal free cortisone.

The Advanced Profile is the broadest view of sex steroid hormone metabolite levels and cortisol metabolism, with full diurnal melatonin and BPA. This profile is useful as a comprehensive assessment for patients at risk of breast cancer, patients with symptoms of estrogen/progesterone imbalance, men with prostate problems, and patients who want to assess exposure to BPA. It is also beneficial for patients struggling with weight or insulin resistance, who have signs of adrenal dysfunction, or who have sleep problems affecting health.

The Estrogen Essential Profile provides a baseline view of how a patient is metabolizing estrogens. This profile is useful for anyone with a personal or family history of estrogen-dependent cancer, patients with symptoms of estrogen/progesterone imbalance, or women who are considering hormone replacement therapy.

Diurnal 6-sulfatoxymelatonin (MT6s) is included in the Hormone Metabolites Profiles to assess sleep/wake cycle dysfunction. This metabolite is useful for patients with sleep problems affecting health.

In conclusion, hormone metabolite profiles are useful for assessing how patients are metabolizing various hormones. Each profile has a different focus and set of metabolites and can be used to monitor hormone therapy patients, assess cancer risk, adrenal function, sleep problems, and exposure to environmental toxins such as BPA. It is important to consider the factors and concerns of each patient when selecting the appropriate profiling.

Estrogen Elite Profile

The Estrogen Elite Profile is a comprehensive hormone metabolite test that includes estrogen, progesterone, and select androgen metabolites with Bisphenol A (BPA). It is a useful tool for assessing breast cancer risk, monitoring hormone therapy patients, and assessing exposure to BPA.

The test is recommended for anyone with a personal or family history of estrogen-dependent cancer, such as breast cancer. It is also useful for patients with symptoms of estrogen/progesterone imbalance, men with prostate cancer risk, or patients who want to assess their exposure to BPA.

Nurses can use the Estrogen Elite Profile to monitor hormone therapy patients using patches, pellets, or injectables. It can also be used to assess breast cancer risk and monitor patients with symptoms of estrogen/progesterone imbalance.

The test results can provide resources for healthcare providers to determine the best course of treatment for their patients. For example, the Estrogen Elite Profile can help healthcare providers identify patients who may benefit from hormone replacement therapy or other treatments for hormone imbalances.

Overall, the Estrogen Elite Profile is a valuable tool for assessing hormone metabolites and providing important information for healthcare providers to make informed decisions about patient care.

Adrenal Profile

The Adrenal Profile is a comprehensive assessment of adrenal hormone metabolism. It includes glucocorticoid metabolites, diurnal free cortisol, and diurnal free cortisone. This profile is useful for patients with adrenal dysfunction or stress. It can also be a screening test for Addison’s or Cushing’s disease.

The Adrenal Profile is particularly beneficial as a second step of testing for those with adrenal fatigue symptoms, but whose saliva cortisol levels are normal. In such cases, the Adrenal Profile may indicate hyperexcretion of cortisol or excessive conversion to cortisone.

The Adrenal Profile is also useful for patients with symptoms of adrenal dysfunction, including fatigue, weakness, and weight loss. It can help identify imbalances in cortisol metabolism that may be contributing to these symptoms.

The Adrenal Profile can be ordered by healthcare providers in a hospital or community setting. It is a valuable tool for assessing patients with suspected adrenal dysfunction, regardless of the setting.

In summary, the Adrenal Profile provides a picture of adrenal hormone metabolism that is useful for identifying imbalances and diagnosing adrenal dysfunction. It is a valuable tool for healthcare providers in both hospital and community settings, and can be used to screen for Addison’s or Cushing’s disease.

Advanced Profile

The Advanced Profile is the most comprehensive assessment available for patients who want to evaluate their hormone metabolism. It provides a broad view of sex steroid hormone metabolite levels, cortisol metabolism, diurnal melatonin, and BPA. This profile is beneficial for patients at risk of breast cancer, patients with symptoms of estrogen/progesterone imbalance, men with prostate problems, and patients struggling with weight or insulin resistance, adrenal dysfunction, or sleep problems affecting health.

The Advanced Profile includes a wide array of estrogen, progesterone, and androgen metabolites useful for assessing breast cancer risk. It also includes the xenoestrogen Bisphenol A (BPA), which is found in many everyday products and has been linked to hormone disruption. The profile provides a comprehensive assessment of sex steroid hormone metabolite levels, which is useful for monitoring hormone therapy patients using patches, pellets, or injectables.

In addition to sex steroid hormone metabolites, the Advanced Profile also includes glucocorticoid metabolites, diurnal free cortisol, and diurnal free cortisone for adrenal assessment. This provides a picture of adrenal hormone metabolism, which is useful for patients with adrenal dysfunction or stress. The profile is also beneficial as a screening test for Addison’s or Cushing’s disease.

The Advanced Profile also assesses diurnal 6-sulfatoxymelatonin (MT6s) to evaluate sleep/wake cycle dysfunction. This is useful for patients who have sleep problems that affect their health.

Overall, the Advanced Profile is a comprehensive assessment that provides a broad range of choices for evaluating hormone metabolism. It is useful for patients with a personal or family history of estrogen-dependent cancer, patients with symptoms of estrogen/progesterone imbalance, men with prostate cancer risk, or patients who want to assess their exposure to BPA. It is also beneficial for patients struggling with weight or insulin resistance, adrenal dysfunction, or sleep problems affecting health.

Estrogen Essential Profile

The Estrogen Essential Profile is a baseline assessment of how a patient is metabolizing estrogens. It provides a comprehensive view of estrogen metabolism, including the levels of estrogen, progesterone, and select androgen metabolites. This profile is useful for patients with a personal or family history of estrogen-dependent cancer, such as breast cancer, or for those experiencing symptoms of estrogen/progesterone imbalance.

This profile is also beneficial for men with prostate problems, as androgens can play a role in prostate cancer risk. Additionally, it can be useful for patients who want to assess their exposure to the xenoestrogen Bisphenol A (BPA), which has been linked to adverse health outcomes.

The Estrogen Essential Profile can also be helpful for patients struggling with weight or insulin resistance, as estrogen plays a role in these conditions. It can also provide valuable information for those with adrenal dysfunction or stress, as cortisol metabolism is closely linked to estrogen metabolism.

Overall, the Estrogen Essential Profile is a valuable tool for assessing estrogen metabolism and identifying potential health concerns related to estrogen imbalance. It can be used in conjunction with other tests, such as screening for heart rate, hypertension, or type 2 diabetes, to provide a comprehensive view of a patient's health status.

Richard, Nkwenti; R.Ph; IMD; Ph.D